
Baby animals are so cute! Well.. here are 6 of them that are NOT

1. A not so cute pig-horse-thingy
3 Baby animals are so cute! Well.. here are 6 of them that are NOT
2. I think this is a baby bird something
4 Baby animals are so cute! Well.. here are 6 of them that are NOT
3. I know i’ve seen this guys father in Jurassic Park!
5 Baby animals are so cute! Well.. here are 6 of them that are NOT
4. Rhinohippopatamus..?
6 Baby animals are so cute! Well.. here are 6 of them that are NOT
5. Punk-tzu!
 Baby animals are so cute! Well.. here are 6 of them that are NOT
6. Beats me..
8 Baby animals are so cute! Well.. here are 6 of them that are NOT
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