
Dead Grandmother Sent Her Picture from Next World

A 34 years old girl named Minhai in Romania had told that her dead grandmother took over her cell phone and sent a self-portrait photograph to her. She added that when she saw this picture in his cell phoneshe was horrified. In this picture, asnake can be seen wrapped around her grandmother’s neck.
Minhai told that she went to a fortune teller to know what this picture meant. He told her that it meant she is not in comfort in the next life and that she was receiving punishment there. The news of this picture spread like fire in the jungle. People got afraid of it and they went to the churches to avoid themselves of punishment.
It is a tradition in Romania that people distribute food in the graveyard for their dead family members. Minhai said that she had never distributed food for her grandmother. The local religious leader has directed her to distribute food for 40 days.
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