
Here Are 18 Reasons to Smile With These Fantastic “Day Brightening” Facts

1. We are all made from the same stuff and it is effectively all derived from star dust

We are all made from the same stuff and it is effectively all derived from star dust
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2. A (cute) grouping of pugs is called a grumble - Yes a grumble of pugs!

A (cute) grouping of pugs is called a grumble - Yes a grumble of pugs!
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3. There is a child somewhere in the world having the best day of their life, right now.

There is a child somewhere in the world having the best day of their life, right now.
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4. This is a new born giant panda. It weighs 3 Oz and is 7 inches long!

This is a new born giant panda. It weighs 3 Oz and is 7 inches long!
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5. The people that voiced Mickey and Mini mouse are actually happily married themselves.

The people that voiced Mickey and Mini mouse are actually happily married themselves.
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6. Cows can have best friends

Cows can have best friends
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7. Fitzroy river turtles can breathe through their butts

Fitzroy river turtles can breathe through their butts
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8. A group of flamingo’s is aptly names a flamboyance.

A group of flamingo’s is aptly names a flamboyance.
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9. These window washers make sick children’s day by washing this hospital’s windows in super hero costumes!

These window washers make sick children’s day by washing this hospital’s windows in super hero costumes!
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10. Squirrels often forget where they stashed their nuts and are therefore responsible for the growth of thousands of new trees every year.

Squirrels often forget where they stashed their nuts and are therefore responsible for the growth of thousands of new trees every year.
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11. Making yourself smile tricks the body into the same hormone response as a natural smile, thus making you happy.

Making yourself smile tricks the body into the same hormone response as a natural smile, thus making you happy.
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12. There is a child somewhere in this world that is discovering the magic of bubbles for the very first time, right now.

There is a child somewhere in this world that is discovering the magic of bubbles for the very first time, right now.
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13. Puffins mate for life with the same partner.

14. A baby puffin is called a puffling

A baby puffin is called a puffling
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15. The blind instinctively smile despite having never seen a smile themselves.

The blind instinctively smile despite having never seen a smile themselves.
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16. Every year the Netherlands sends 20,000 tulip bulbs to Canada to thank them for their aid in the Second World War

Every year the Netherlands sends 20,000 tulip bulbs to Canada to thank them for their aid in the Second World War
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17. Male puppies will let female puppies ''win'' when they play fight

Male puppies will let female puppies ''win'' when they play fight

18. In 1957, a BBC news program ended with a three minute segment about a spaghetti farm in Switzerland where spaghetti grew on trees. Many people fell for the hoax and contacted the BBC to ask how to grow their own. Their response: ''Place a sprig of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best.''


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