
Pets Meet Celebrities

When pets and celebrities meet this is what you’ll get a Dr. Spock corgi, a Michael Jackson chihuahua, an Amy Winehouse kitten, and so on. These are all funny photo montages of dogs and cats that are turned into famous people. They are inspired by funny gifts, mugs and greeting cards that are all over these days. This is the work of website Takkoda and publishing house TeNeues.
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Takkoda is run by a couple that has developed a strong love for animals while living in England. They believe that each pet has a strong personality, and that is what they wanted to show in this book full of images. Every pet is photographed by the couple, then afterwards they fix their outfits and hair on a photo software.
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And I can really say that they fit their new roles, like they were born for it. Unfortunately some pets are homeless, but at least they have some kind of shelter, check this out
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